Celebrating Worcester’s Abby Kelley Foster: Commemorating Her 205th Birthday

The one-woman play Yours for Humanity—Abby was performed by Lynne McKenney Lydick on Saturday, January 16, 2016, at the Worcester Public Library.  The play written by WWHP members Carolyn Howe and Karen Board Moran premiered at WPL in January 2004. The play shows a week in 1854 as Abby lectures in Indiana against slavery and it demonstrates how an ordinary person, like Abby, can affect extraordinary changes in society.

  • Carolyn Howe, co-author of YFH-A with WWHP Pres. Ann Marie Shea
  • Nancy Johnson, WWHP Steering Committee member
  • Artist Charlotte Wharton, who painted Abby Kelley Foster’s portrait for Mechanics Hall, with actress Lynne McKenney Lydick
  • Tracy Trombley, Lynne McKenney Lydick, Jeanne Davies & Carolyn Howe
Published Date: 
February 23, 2016