Abby Kelley Foster Day - City of Worcester Proclamation

WHEREAS: Radical Abolitionist, Women’s Rights and Human Rights Activist Abby Kelley Foster was born on January 15, 1811 and spent much of her life in Worcester, attending a school in the Tatnuck section of the city and later pur-chasing with her husband Liberty Farm, which immediately became a stop on the Underground Railroad and in 1974 was registered as a National Historic Landmark and
WHEREAS: In 1838, Foster gave her first public abolitionist speech and continued to lecture and raise funds for the antislavery movement for nearly four decades working for the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amend-ments of the United States Constitution
WHEREAS: In 1850, Foster helped organize and spoke at the first National Woman’s Rights Convention, which was held in Worcester, Massachusetts attended by over 1000 women and men from 11 states when the population of Worcester was 7000 and
WHEREAS: In 1851, at the second National Woman’s Rights Convention, which was held in Worcester, Massachu-setts, and attended by over 3,000 women and men, Foster delivered a passionate speech imploring that women demand both the responsibilities and privileges of equality and
WHEREAS: In 1868, Foster was one of the organizers of the convention founding the New England Woman Suffrage Association where her work was critically important in laying the foundation for the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and
WHEREAS: Abby Kelley Foster was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, Seneca Falls, NY in October 2011 as the result of a nomination by the Worcester Women’s History Project and
WHEREAS: Abby Kelley Foster was inducted into the National Abolitionist Hall of Fame in Peterboro, NY in October 2011 as the result of the co-nomination with the Hall and the Worcester Women’s History Project
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Joseph M. Petty, on the occasion of this Commemoration of the
202nd anniversary of her birth and 126th anniversary of her death, do hereby proclaim
Tuesday, January 15, 2013, to be:
in the City of Worcester and encourage all residents to recognize and participate in its observance.
Issued at Worcester on this 15th day of January, 2013
Joseph M. Petty